In prime location our 220 sqm Cardio/Resistance Fitness Suite over looks Tír na nÓg Playground, Astro Turf Pitches and our Skate Park. With its increased area we can offer our customers unrivalled fitness opportunities in comfortable surroundings.
Why not call in and have your fitness assessed by one of out qualified and friendly gym instructors today? And check out the variety of classes available in our fitness classes timetable.
Junior Gym for kids aged 13 – 15yrs is weekdays 7:00 – 9:00am & 3:00 – 6:00pm. Junior gym are not permitted to use Free Weights, Olympic Rack or Smith Machine.
If you are lacking a little motivation or just need a little extra help why not enlist the help of one of our highly qualified Personal Trainers. A full listing of or PT’s can be see here.
Check out our FREE Complete 4 – Week Introductory Gym Programme. Whether you are just starting out or starting again this 4-Week FREE Programme will help you drastically improve your physique and fitness levels.